Category: Best Dog Blogs

Pet products that feel like they’re from the future

Over the last couple of months, you may have had to find new and exciting ways to keep your furry friends entertained, especially if you have returned back to the office after working from home for two years. This has led to lots of fun and innovative pet products that have been released, from tech tracking collars and microchip feeders to health trackers and video games designed especially for your doggy companions.

Here are a few of our favourite pet products that (almost!) seem like they’re from the future!

GoPro Fetch

Ever wondered what your dog gets up to when they’re exploring off lead or wandering around in the garden? Now you can find out with GoPro’s Fetch Harness Lead.

• The harness can be strapped to the back and chest for different camera angles.
• It’s washable and comfortable for your pets.
• Simply put your dog in the harness, take them for a walk and watch the interesting footage when you’re home.
• It’s waterproof too so great for typical British weather!

Subscription boxes

What’s better than receiving lots of treats, toys and supplies for your dog straight to your door every week?

Subscription boxes for pets from Wild Thought online pet shop have become extremely popular and are expected to grow even bigger in the future.

• They are a hassle-free, convenient way to get treats for your dogs.
• They include items like chews, toys and treats to keep them entertained for hours.
• They’re designed with your pet’s health and happiness in mind.
• All products featured in these particular boxes are natural, healthy and eco-friendly.
• They can often be tweaked to suit your dog’s breed, age, dietary requirements and individual likes. This way, you can make sure that they love what they get every single time!

Interactive smart toys

Just like humans, dogs need to keep their minds active in order to stay healthy. It’s expected that interactive smart toys, like challenging puzzles, will continue to prove popular over the coming years, with online platforms like Amazon and eBay already stocking thousands of products.

• These types of toys provide mental stimulation, self-entertainment, stress relief and encourage slower eating habits. They’re also great for keeping them out of trouble when you are busy or out of the house for short periods of time!
• There are lots of options available, including sensory toys, treat dispensers, vessel toys and many more.
• There are versions out there that can help with behavioural problems like fast eating, aggressive chewing and over-excitement.

We hope that this article gives you some new ideas to help keep your pet entertained both now and in the future. If you need further advice on how to deal with boredom, this article from Woodgreen Animal Charity may help.

Good luck and let us know if you have any more suggestions to try!

10 Facts About Golden Retrievers

Dogs hit first on the list of most preferred pets. No one can doubt their preference due to their loving and caring nature, making them the best emotional support animal. There are a variety of emotional support dog breeds to choose from. Still, Golden retrievers are among the most popular family pet dog breeds across the world. They are originally from Scotland and they are in the retrievers’ dog family which has 5 other breeds. Pups are always loving, caring, and affectionate to their companions and those who own golden retrievers can attest to this.

Golden retrievers are well known for their nice golden coat color, floppy ears, and beautiful feathering. These beautiful pups were initially bred to retrieve birds for hunters but nowadays they are very popular family pets, service, and therapy dogs.

Owners of golden retrievers will always enjoy playing with them, especially with interactive toys because these pups are very energetic and they endlessly fetch whatever toy you toss to them.

In this post, we will cover what you need to know about golden retrievers and help you figure out what you can expect when you have one. We will also take you through 10 facts about golden retrievers including some that you probably did not know before.

Facts About Golden Retrievers

Breed name: Golden Retrievers

Country of origin: Scotland

Size: Large

Weight: 25 kg – 35 kg

Color: Golden, red, and cream shades.

Average life expectancy: 10 – 13 years

Activity level: High

Barking Level: Medium

Shedding: High

The Appearance of Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers are a beauty to behold thanks to their feathering coat, long muzzle, and floppy ears. They are large dog breeds with medium-sized fur which have various shades of golden color from dark to light. The golden retriever has a beautiful double coat which is made of two layers; an outer water-resistant one and an inner soft layer to regulate his temperatures.

Being a double-coated dog, you will expect your golden retriever to shed some fur. We recommend using good dog brushes to polish his coat regularly to prevent heavy blowouts. Proper brushing also helps to remove dirt and other debris material from your retriever’s coat.

The ideal weight of this dog breed is 25 kg – 35 kg when fully grown which stands at up to 60 cm. There is a short dog breed known as mini golden retriever which maintains his puppy looks even when fully grown. Even though they appear like golden retrievers, the mini is a crossbreed of other dogs which limits his attainment of full body size and other characteristics.

10 Facts About Golden Retrievers

1.  Golden retrievers History

The golden retriever can be traced from the highlands of Scotland in the 1800s where it was used by hunters to retrieve gunned down waterfowls and to this date, they love swimming and playing in the water. During this period, wild birds hunting was a very popular sport for the wealthy Scottish people.

The then retriever dog breeds were not very efficient in retrieving gunned-down birds, especially in water. A yellow retriever dog known as nous was hybridized with a tweed water spaniel known as Belle and resulted in the golden retriever breed as we know it today. The history of golden retrievers is accredited to Dudley Marjoribanks who later became widely known as Lord Tweedmouth. This dog breed makes an excellent family pet and it can also be easily trained to lead the blind.

2.  Golden retrievers are playful

For a dog that was bred for purposes of sporting activities, we can least expect him to be very engaging and playful. The golden retriever dogs are very active and playful even around children and strangers. Despite their outgoing nature, these pups are also very gentle with kids.

This personality of golden retrievers makes them a very good family dog that blends in well with their companions and other pets. Based on some information on golden retrievers, they display a high tolerance to pain and they can hide injuries that most dog breeds would not. Always ensure you monitor your dog when playing to avoid any hazard that may injure him.

3.  The third most popular dog in America

It is with no doubt that golden retrievers are very popular among many families across the world due to their gentle nature among many other lovable traits. In the United States, this dog breed is listed as the third most popular and it has stayed in the top ten positions for decades.

The golden retriever was first introduced to the US in 1920, and five years later, it was registered by the American Kennel Club.

Cousins to the golden retrievers, the Labrador retrievers, have held the position as the most popular dog in America for over 25 years.

4.  They are easy to train

Every pet parent would love to own a dog who can easily be trained and show good progress. The golden retriever breed stands out as one of the dog breeds that are very trainable. These dogs have with this regard been used as service dogs in various situations.

When Tweedmouth bred the golden retriever, he was looking for a breed that can easily work with humans and help them out in sporting activities. He never got it wrong. The Golden retrievers are very intelligent, loyal, obedient, and easy to please. According to evaluation research in the book, The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren, golden retrievers came out as the 4th most intelligent out of 138 assessed dog breeds. When you combine their great brain and motivation to obey and please people, you get a dog breed that becomes much easier to train.

It comes with no surprise that the Golden retriever won the AKC National Obedience Championship in 2018 beating 9 other contestants.

This does not however mean that training your golden retriever will be a complete walk in the park. If you are looking forward to adopting one, then training him will be a little easier than other breeds. Training your dog will always require the right methods, consistency, and using a reward mechanism for the best results.

The complementing part is that golden retrievers love taking those tasty treat bites. It, therefore, becomes very easy to train him when he looks forward to taking a bite after the session.

5.  They are good swimmers

Unlike most other dog breeds, goldens love playing in water and are actually very good at swimming. Their water-loving instincts are attributed to their history. Their original purpose was to fetch gunned-down birds from rivers, lakes, and swamps for Scottish hunters. So naturally, they have been interacting with water for hundreds of years.

Golden retrievers are double-coated pups with a dense water-repellent outer coat and a thin inner coat that protects them from cold. They also have large webbings between their toes and a long steering tail that helps them adapt to the water environment.

With such assets, these dogs would not fear going down into water or spending some quality time swimming, especially when they are providing trained services for humans.

Most golden retrievers love to swim and if you have a recently adopted puppy, it is recommended that you introduce him to water early enough to grow his natural instinct of playing in water. If your particular golden retriever does not like water, do not force him into something he may hate doing. Use gradual training to determine whether he dislikes water or he is just afraid.

If you are a great swimmer, you can never find a better companion in water than the golden retriever. They will spice up your water moments with catch and fetch games which also help in building a stronger bond with him.

For people residing along coastlines, you will never go wrong when taking your golden retriever for evening walks along the beach shores. This is a great way of letting your pup explore the large world of waters and experience how it feels to run on the endless shallow stretches of the beaches. When taking your golden retriever to play in water, ensure that you never leave him unattended.

6.  They shed a lot

Every golden owner will tell you tales of encountering dog hair in most places within the house. During the summer and winter, they moderately shed their hair but in spring and fall, they shed a lot. When adopting a golden, you need to know beforehand that you will be encountering dog hair on furniture, bed, clothes, carpet, curtains, and literally everywhere.

You may not completely stop your golden retriever pup from shedding fur, but you can take some measures to prevent continuous and excessive shedding. 

Do not use dog sprays and drugs that prevent shedding in dogs, some of these products have harmful chemicals that might harm your dog’s skin and ruin his shiny coat. Invest in a good dog brush and use it to remove fallen hair from your dog at least thrice a week. Collect the brushed-off hair in one place and safely discard them in bins. This will help to reduce the instances of encountering stuck hair on your clothes, furniture, carpet, and other places.

Brushing your dog regularly also helps in untangling knots which may collect dander and make your golden feel uncomfortable. For dense matting, it is recommended to use a dog dematting tool to remove the intense knots and tangles.

Grooming your golden retriever every so often should be a norm when you own this dog breed. Ensure that you bath him at least once a month to completely remove all dead hair and give him a shiny coat appearance. Do not bathe your dog very frequently because it can result in dry skin which will further make him shed more hair. Always use a good dog shampoo for his bathing sessions.

You can however prevent excessive shedding by feeding your golden retriever a high protein diet with omega 3. This will work to strengthen his hair roots and make the skin more elastic. This diet also helps in improving your dog’s overall health and bodybuilding.

Have a look at the video below from Rover’s Makeover Dog Grooming that shows you a grooming procedure for golden retrievers;

7.  Goldens are prone to separation anxiety

The golden retrievers are very susceptible to feeling sad when lonely. This is mainly because they enjoy our companions and those who own them can tell how devoted they are. When left lonely for long periods, these dogs tend to be sad, anxious, and show signs of depression.

There are some dog breeds that can be left alone for extended hours; however, experts have advised that goldens should not be left lonely for 7 hours.

8.  They are best-suited therapy dogs

A therapy dog has been trained to offer comfort, affection, and support to people. They are mostly used in hospitals, elderly homes, libraries, disaster areas, and such places.

When it comes to choosing the best dog breed to be trained for therapy, golden retrievers usually top on the list. This is mainly because they are intelligent, loyal, loving, obedient, gentle, and they also have a great disposition to please people and therefore they love to see humans happy. Golden therapy dogs have been found to deliver items very gently without mishandling them compared to other similar breeds.

9.  They tend to overeat

Golden retrievers are very excited and motivated about food. They will tend to chew and swallow any sweet edible thing they bite. This habit may make your pup overeat and get overweight tending to obesity.

You need to carefully observe the type of food and portion you give your golden to control his weight based on his physical appearance and activity level. Have a well-structured diet plan for your golden and ensure you provide him with a balanced diet for his well-being.

If your dog has displayed a high appetite for food, you can start by cutting off the carbs and processed sugars from his diet. This will help in preventing him from becoming overweight. It is very common for unmonitored golden retrievers to become obese and develop other medical conditions.

10. They love carrying objects with their mouths

Golden retrievers will put literally anything that fits within their mouth and carry them along as they walk. They still carry the instinct they had, having been bred to retrieve gunned-down birds from water bodies.

You will most certainly see your golden carrying a toy or object in his mouth gently when welcoming you back at home. They have a very soft mouth that enables them to carry any object gently without tampering with it. It has been observed that they can carry an egg without breaking the shell.


There you have it now, 10 facts about golden retrievers. In summary, we can see these dogs are very good family pets and they can also be trained to offer specialized services. Having a dog that offers a great companion is something that excites all pet parents and you can never go wrong with goldens.

Do you have a golden retriever or you’re planning to adopt one? Let us know in the comments some of the cool facts about golden retrievers that excite you the most.

Keep Your Dog Smelling Fresh: 3 Tips on How to Bathe Your Dog

Few things are as rewarding as owning a dog. They’re adorable, happy, and they keep you company when no one else is around. On top of all of that, they’re a huge boon to your mental health.

For all the benefits they bring, they also come with a lot of responsibility. You have to feed them and ensure they get enough exercise. You also have to make sure that they stay clean.

You don’t have to pay a groomer to bathe your dog, though. Read on to learn how to do it yourself!

1. Find the Right Spot

The first thing you need to do when you’re ready to bathe your own dog is to find the best spot to do it. The first thing you need to consider is the size of your dog. If you have a small chihuahua, then you can probably get away with bathing him in a deep sink.

Larger dogs should be bathed in tubs or outside. Ideally, there’d be a spot to place a restraint to keep your dog from bolting mid-shampoo. If you don’t have a great spot to do it, check around local vets and grooming salons. Many have DIY grooming stations.

2. Help Them Feel Comfortable

Getting a bath isn’t a normal thing for a dog, so you might need to take additional steps to make them feel comfortable. For example, you can acclimate nervous dogs to tubs in the days leading up to a bath by taking them to the tub and giving them treats and praise. Slowly incorporate water until they can calmly be bathed.

If your dog has a hard time staying still during the bath, be sure to have something to keep them busy. Some groomers apply peanut butter to the wall in front of a pet’s mouth to keep them occupied while they’re getting their bath.

Finally, watch the water temp. Water that is too hot or too cold is not going to feel good.

3. Get the Right Shampoo

Shampoo for dogs is just like shampoo for humans. It comes in a wide variety to suit a number of different issues.

Dogs with sensitive or dry skin should utilize a shampoo that contains calming ingredients like oatmeal. Follow up with a nice conditioner to help their fur and skin stay soft and moisturized. Be careful not to get water or shampoo into their eyes or ears.

Dealing with an especially stinky situation like a skunked dog? You’ll need an entirely different plan. Check out to learn how to get the stink out.

Now You’re Ready to Bathe Your Dog!

Learning how to bathe your dog is a great way to save money and bond with your sweet pup. The only catch is that you have to make it an enjoyable experience for the both of you. If your dog isn’t used to baths, be sure to reward them throughout the bathing process so they look forward to it in the future.

Are you interested in learning more great ways to bond with your dog and keep him healthy? You’re in the right spot! Check out the rest of our blog for tons of great dog advice!

Puppy University Program, Partnering Vet Students And Service Dogs In Training, Graduates Its First Class

Graduating college is a huge accomplishment. But for these unlikely puppy university graduates, it means something so much more.

The three pups, named Koda, Esme, and Tucker, are from Saint Francis Service Dogs. They took part in the first-ever Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine’s Puppy University program this past year. .

The program began in 2015 when the college’s Center for Animal Human Relationships (CENTAUR) partnered with Saint Francis Service Dogs – a nonprofit based in Roanoke, Virginia that helps people with disabilities become more self-sufficient and independent with service dogs.

Over the course of year, they spent their weekdays at the veterinary college in a structured program as part of their service dog training. They learned foundational skills like interacting with people and other animals, walking on a leash, and traveling on the bus.


On the weekends, the pups went home with their puppy raisers and learned more socialization and training.

Not only does the program help puppies become service dogs, it also helps the veterinary students learn lessons on the human-animal bond.

So when it came time to finally graduate, the three pups got the full college experience, of course.

They had their very own graduation ceremony – complete with caps and gowns – and received their “diplomas”.

Their training isn’t over, though. They’ll spend nine to twelve months formally training with Saint Francis Service Dogs before going on to help those in need.


We can’t imagine these pups being any less than amazing in their new roles as service dogs. If you’d like to help out Saint Francis Service Dogs, click here.

Big Dog Carries Little Friend

Blizzard, a huge St. Bernard, took a liking to his little sister right off the bat. Now, the big dog carries his little friend everywhere they go. 

Big Dog with Little Dog

Lulu, a Shi Tzu mix, came into the family as a puppy.

She immediately bonded to Blizzard, following him everywhere. She saw him as a source of protection. 

And comfort. 

Not long after the two met, Lulu began climbing on top of the Saint Bernard to sleep. 

Let Me Carry You 

Not long after she began sleeping on his back, Lulu got the unexpected bonus of getting a ride – everywhere. 

Blizzard walks with Lulu perched on his extra-wide back. She gets a birds-eye view of the world while they walk down the country roads surrounding their home, go sightseeing in the town, take hikes, or simply watch tv together. 

Dog Carry Little sister

Anytime LuLu is separated from Blizzard, she demands to climb back on her big brother’s back.

Why Do Some Dogs Bond So Strongly?

If you live in a multi-dog home, or have tried to encourage your pup to make friends, you know it’s not always a slam-dunk. 

Sometimes two dogs just don’t get along, no matter what. 

Others act like old friends from the minute they meet. 

In the case of Lulu and Blizzard, it was love at first sight. These two share an exceptional bond. With Blizzard allowing her onto his physical space, it shows a great deal of comfort with her. 

What causes this close bonding?

Energy Matters

Dog behavior expert Cesar Milan teaches a lot about your dog’s ability to read energy. According to him, they read our energy (emotions, chemical signals, etc). This is why some dogs like us more than others.

Dogs Playing In Field

And, why your dog knows when you’re sad, happy, or angry.

The same seems to be true for dogs. 

Have you ever met someone new, or been introduced to someone in a group of people, and you knew immediately that you disliked that person? You have nothing to base your judgement on but “gut feeling.”

Humans are not very in tune with what our gut is telling us. In that situation, we are reading that persons energy, or having a bad chemical reaction to them. 

Your dog does this on a much higher level with both people and other dogs. 

Don’t Let Your Dog Wander Into Unsafe Territory

One of the worst things that can happen is your dog slips out of your yard and winds up around unfriendly dogs. Make sure you know where they are at all times. 

Why Does My Dog Runs From Me?

Having trouble getting your dog to come to you when called?

Does your pup think it’s fun to run from you when you’re outside?

Have you had problems with your dog running away when they get off leash?

Not Coming When Called is Dangerous


Two of the first commands that successful trainers teach are “Sit,” and “Come here.”

Sit teaches your dog to be calm and stationary. This can be life saving if there is an emergency. 

But, “Come Here” is a truly life-saving command. 

Even if your dog is normally well behaved, all it takes is one run away for disaster to strike. If they are prone to bolting when they manage to get out of your fence, or they slip their collar, they can easily run into traffic. 

Or, they simple run away. 

Passive vs. Standard Disobedience 

When your pup refuses to come to you, they are either being 

Passive: they won’t come to you, but they don’t really run away. They are preoccupied with something else, or are simply sitting there stubbornly. 

Active: They won’t come to you, and they run in the opposite direction. 

Active disobedience can be viewed as play to your dog. Watch how they interact with other pups. They often chase each other, taking turns with who’s the leader and who’s the pursuer. 


If your dog won’t come to you and looks scared or apprehensive, chances are you are the problem. 

Have you punished them after they’ve come toward you in the past? Dogs make quick associations. One bad experience can make them fearful of similar future interactions. 

Re-train your dog to associate coming to you with positive emotions: petting, belly rubs, praise, and treats. 

Dangerous Play

Your dog may run from you because they think it’s fun. But, anytime they move in the opposite direction you risk them being hit by a car, running away and becoming lost, or experiencing a problem with another dog or person. 

Do not run after your dog yelling and making a general ruckus. This is viewed as energetic play. 

  • Instead, run in the opposite direction. Laugh loudly. Once your a few few away, drop to the ground and roll around. 

Basically, imitate a dog. 

Because they’re curious and want to play, most dogs will come running over to check you out. 

If They’re Heading Toward Danger

If you dog is heading for the street or towards source of danger, skip yelling “come here” and opt for “SIT” or “Stop.” Repeat it rapidly if needed. You are trying to break your dog’s concentration and get them to stop long enough to keep them safe. 

Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?

When you sit down to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast, or even when you think about food), do you have a set or two of doggie eyes fixed on you?

Does your dog stare at you intently at certain times of day?

Do they give you a look that says, Hey, I need something, why are you not getting it for me?

Why Your Dog Stares at You

Hoping that your pup is staring at you lovingly? Contemplating how great you are for giving them so many delicious treats?

Unfortunately, dogs don’t think this way. They’re holding your gaze because it leads to a reward. 

Feed Me!

When does your dog start staring?

Is it a little before dinner time? Were you caught up in a book, TV show or finishing up some work and you noticed your pooch giving you the eye?

They were communicating that it’s time to eat. 

If they do this while you’re eating, they are communicating (begging) for some of what’s on your plate. You may notice that in these situations, your dog is amazingly skilled at looking extra sad. Dogs know which looks get them the most food. Ears forward, softened eyes, head slightly down? You can’t resist… and they know it!

Walks, Play Time, and Rides

Staring isn’t always about food. 

You dog can communicate other needs with a prolonged look. They may be telling you that it’s time to:

  • Go for a walk
  • Go outside to use the bathroom
  • Play with their favorite toy
  • Go outside to play
  • Refill the water dish

No Food? Ok, Just Tell Me How Great I Am

Your dog may also stare at you simply because they want to catch your attention to remind you to give them attention. 

They will look at you for praise and petting. 

They will look at you simply to have you look at them. 

Your Dog Depends on You

Your pup depends on you for all of their needs: food, exercise, play, affection, and care. 

Keep them safe, healthy, and protected: get them and always know where they are.

Also, make sure they’re covered by pet health insurance for those unannounced trips to the doggie ER, or for expensive, prolonged medical care. 

Shelter Dog Flips Out After Being Adopted

For some shelter dogs, their second chance at life never comes. They spend days, weeks, months in a shelter without anyone choosing them or giving them a chance to be loved. But luckily for one shelter dog, that wasn’t the case.

Every good story should have a hero and this story has a sweet but shy dog called Benny as our hero. He had no idea what his future was going to be or how long he would be in the shelter for.

Unfortunately for Benny, the shelter he was in was Carson Animal Care Center, which is a high-kill shelter in Gardena, California. This mean’t that Benny was literally between a wonderful life and possibly being put down if someone didn’t save him. Well someone did.

Earlier this month, Benny was rescued and adopted by a loving family. Well Benny shows us all what that mean’t to him. This is a fantastic reaction.

This is why rescuing a shelter dog is wonderful. It is a great thing to do for both you and the dog. We have discussed it before and while we can articulate much through our words, we can articulate much more through adoption videos like this.

Pit Bulls Waiting To Be Adopted Get Tiny Cottage Sanctuaries

Go to any local shelter and there’s likely at least one Pit Bull waiting to be adopted. It can take many weeks, even months to place a Bully in the right home. That’s why Luvable Dog Rescue in Eugene, Oregon has taken it upon themselves to make light of a few lucky bully’s living arrangements.

At $10,000 – $20,000 a pop, the rescue has built six tiny cottages that mimic the look, feel, and style of a modern cottage home…albeit a bit smaller. They’re built with two fully loaded individual “bedrooms” to house two dogs.

Equipped with dog beds, televisions, art work, music, even heating and air-conditioning, these cottages are no joking matter.

Form And Function (And Fun!)

As you can see in the photos, these cottages aren’t just stylish buildings that replace drab kennels. The cottages are genuine replicas of a home, which provides a homelike, peaceful environment for the Pit Bulls to partake in activities that prevent depression and boredom (two traits common among the breed).

Comfort aside, the tiny dog houses are also built for function. Liesl Wilhardt, the founder and executive director of Luvable Dog Rescue, spent years raising funds for the project and researching a logical design.

‘“There are basic guidelines to creating a space for animals that is functional and easy to clean but also pleasant for the animal to live in,”’ she told This Dog’s Life.

In Case A Tiny Cottage Wasn’t Enough…

Settled on 55 acres, Luvable Dog Rescue has more than enough space for the dogs to run, play, hike, and exercise. Each dog gets a 45-minute walk per day, sometimes two!

When they’re not tending to their homes, that is…No cars, no sidewalks, no leashes…55 acres for a dog to run free is every dog lover’s/dog’s dream. 

These Three Huskies Are The Cutest Escape Artists You’ll Ever See

Siberian Huskies are known for their striking multicolored eyes, signature facial markings, and unique “voice”. Something else Huskies are famous for? Their escape abilities.

Often called the “Houdini” of dogs, Siberian Huskies can escape from nearly anywhere and everywhere. No matter how secure the fence, gate, or crate is, Huskies have an innate ability to open them.

Three Huskies from Iowa are no different.

Gracie, Kona, and Crimson live with Callie Gansen in Dubuque, Iowa. The siblings are three peas in a pod and just happen to be the world’s cutest escape artists.

One day, Gensen wanted to share their escape tactics with the world. She decided to film the three of them escaping, which she says they do daily.

Gansen decided to share the video to a Facebook group dedicated to Huskies. Then, she uploaded it on YouTube.

The video begins with all three of them behind a seemingly secure gate. Gracie then takes a few steps back, jumps high in the air, and completely clears the fence.


“I usually have to put a fence on top of the fence that’s shown in the video to keep that one from jumping it,” Gensen said.

With Gracie free, it was Crimson and Kona’s turn. Rather than exert effort to jump the gate, Crimson decided to use a more tactful approach. He uses his nose and teeth to loosen the lock on the gate door. Mere seconds later, he manages to open it. Kona promptly follows.

Once Crimson reaches Gansen on the couch, he gives a signature Husky “growl” as if to say, “I told you I’d get out.”

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