
There are several reasons why you might think it’s a good idea to add another pet portraits to your household. Some animal lovers simply adore the possibility of having several four-legged friends underfoot. Meanwhile, there are pet parents who think their fur babies might be lonely staying at home all by themselves and believe that […]

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Puppy University Program

Graduating college is a huge accomplishment. But for these unlikely puppy university graduates, it means something so much more. The three pups, named Koda, Esme, and Tucker, are from Saint Francis Service Dogs. They took part in the first-ever Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine’s Puppy University program this past year. . The program began in […]

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New Dog

Blizzard, a huge St. Bernard, took a liking to his little sister right off the bat. Now, the big dog carries his little friend everywhere they go.  Lulu, a Shi Tzu mix, came into the family as a puppy. She immediately bonded to Blizzard, following him everywhere. She saw him as a source of protection.  And […]

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Lost Dog

Having trouble getting your dog to come to you when called? Does your pup think it’s fun to run from you when you’re outside? Have you had problems with your dog running away when they get off leash? Not Coming When Called is Dangerous HTTP://CESARSWAY.COM Two of the first commands that successful trainers teach are “Sit,” and […]

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Dogs are loving animals that require their main needs to be met to be healthy and happy. A home, a good place to sleep, a balanced diet according to their requirements and a lot of love from their human companions are some of them. When thinking about giving your dog the best, you must ask […]

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Stare dog

When you sit down to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast, or even when you think about food), do you have a set or two of doggie eyes fixed on you? Does your dog stare at you intently at certain times of day? Do they give you a look that says, Hey, I need something, why are you not […]

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American Shelter dog

For some shelter dogs, their second chance at life never comes. They spend days, weeks, months in a shelter without anyone choosing them or giving them a chance to be loved. But luckily for one shelter dog, that wasn’t the case. Every good story should have a hero and this story has a sweet but shy […]

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Luvable dog rescue

Go to any local shelter and there’s likely at least one Pit Bull waiting to be adopted. It can take many weeks, even months to place a Bully in the right home. That’s why Luvable Dog Rescue in Eugene, Oregon has taken it upon themselves to make light of a few lucky bully’s living arrangements. At $10,000 […]

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Huskies Are The Cutest

Siberian Huskies are known for their striking multicolored eyes, signature facial markings, and unique “voice”. Something else Huskies are famous for? Their escape abilities. Often called the “Houdini” of dogs, Siberian Huskies can escape from nearly anywhere and everywhere. No matter how secure the fence, gate, or crate is, Huskies have an innate ability to open them. […]

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best dog breeds for families

The 50 Greatest Dog names. That is a big statement. We have used research form our friends at BarkPost to see what they listed as the classic 50 dog names. They did some research and these are the sure fire names that are always in the top dog name lists. So here you have it: […]

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Cataracts in Dogs

Have you ever seen a dog with a white tint to their eyes? If you’re wondering what it may be from, it could be cataracts. A potentially life-threatening disease, cataracts should be treated as soon as symptoms appear. Read on to help understand and treat them in dogs. What are Cataracts? Cataracts are a largely […]

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Mexican Hairless Dog

When you think of cute dog breeds, you probably don’t think of hairless dogs. But we’re here to change your mind. Hairless dog breeds are often overlooked for those with thick, full coats – but these furless pups are just as cute as their furry counterparts. Here are five hairless dog breeds you didn’t know existed […]

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