Category: Pet

The Best Ways to Make Your Home Pet Safe

The Best Ways to Make Your Home Pet Safe

In the US, around 85 million families have some sort of pet, which is two-thirds of the population! Having a furry companion is an excellent way to enrich your life. Plus, you can rescue furry creatures in need too.

Do you feel like you’re ready to add another member to your household? Then you need to make some preparations before you bring Fido home. Otherwise, they can get into trouble!

Keep reading for ways you can make your home pet safe before you introduce your new furry friends.

Store Away Toxic Substances

Pets are like babies; they’ll get into anything and everything! And when they do, they’ll want to taste whatever they find.

It’s vital that you store away all toxic substances, like medications and cleaners. Even if they’re not at ground level, you should lock these items away. You never know if your pet will jump up to where they’re not supposed to be!

Consider installing latches on your cabinets as well. Get trash cans with lids too, so they can’t get into these containers.

Remove Toxic Plants

Houseplants can really brighten up a place, but some aren’t great for pet safety. While looking at munchkin cats for adoption, you should also research all the plants you have.

You should give away those that are toxic to pets. If you can’t bear to part with your plants, at least put them high up where they’re impossible to reach. While you’re at it, place your fragile items out of reach as well.

Have the Right Flooring

If possible, ensure you have hardwood floors or tiles in your home.

In general, fabric flooring (such as carpet and rugs) is bad. Your energetic pets might trip on these things.

Also, they trap hair, bacteria, and biological waste from puppy accidents. This isn’t great for people with pet allergies, so do yourself a favor and breathe easier and clean up faster with non-fabric flooring.

Avoid Light-Colored Upholstery

Light-colored upholstery will stain easily, and when you have pets, your furniture will get ruined!

Keep your furniture looking newer for longer by going for darker colors. If you can’t afford to replace things, then at least get a dark-colored throw to protect your upholstery.

Make Your Yard Pet Friendly

Your pet won’t want to be cooped up all the time, so you need to make your yard fun and safe.

Ensure your fence is at an appropriate height and there are no loose boards. Remove toxic plants or consider installing an enclosure so you can confine your furry friends to a safe area.

Make the terrain safe by leveling it. Then add plenty of enrichment toys!

Ensure Your Home’s Pet Safe

Bringing home new pets is a huge responsibility. So take some time to ensure your home is as pet safe as possible. This will save you a lot of trouble and heartbreak!

Now you have a pet-friendly home, but there’s so much more to do to make your new pets feel comfortable. Read the rest of our blog page for more information!

5 Signs Your Pet Should See a Vet

5 Signs Your Pet Should See a Vet

No pet parent wants their furry friend to be in pain or feel uncomfortable for longer than necessary. However, it can be difficult to tell what’s normal pet behavior and what means a pet needs to go to the vet — after all, pets can’t tell their owners when they need to visit a vet. You should be looking out for a few common signs that may require a veterinary appointment. Here are five signs you should make an appointment with a vet.

1. Difficulty Breathing or Rapid Breathing

In general, labored or rapid breathing is a sign that there may be a problem with your pet’s health. Of course, if you’ve just been outside or your pet has just played around, that’s completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. However, if you notice that your pet regularly seems to be wheezing or breathing rapidly, it’s a good idea to book a veterinary appointment to make sure everything is okay.

2. Problems Eating or Drinking

One of the first signs many pet parents notice is a change in eating or drinking habits. This may be a refusal to eat or drink, or it may be eating or drinking significantly more than normal. Either way, if your pet has started eating or drinking differently than normal, it’s a good idea to check in with a veterinarian to make sure that change isn’t related to illness.

3. Changes in Normal Behavior & Movement

When pets are in pain, they’ll often move in different ways to avoid triggering the pain. For example, they may stop going up the stairs, avoid jumping up on the bed or couch. They may try to find ways to get down from the furniture without landing too harshly. If you notice that your pet is suddenly being “more careful” than normal with their movements, it might be because of pain issues.  Booking an appointment with a veterinarian can help figure things out.

4. Red, Cloudy or Weeping Eyes

Changes in the way a pet’s eyes look may indicate an infection, issues with vision, or something else entirely. The difference in how a pet’s eyes look from healthy to not can be very different from how a human’s eyes look. However, if you spend time with your pet, you can likely tell the difference between normal eyes and eyes that may indicate health concerns. Pet telehealth is a great option to ask a veterinarian quickly about your pet’s eye condition and to get advice on how to resolve it.

5. Unexplained Aggression or Behavioral Changes

Stress or aggression from other animals may trigger completely understandable behavioral changes. However, behavioral changes can also come from less obvious sources like illness. Think about it: When you’re in pain or unwell, you’re probably a bit grumpy, right? It makes sense that you would see a similar type of behavioral change in an animal that’s experiencing pain.

Understanding Your Pet’s Behaviors Better

All five of these behaviors are signs that you should book an appointment with a veterinarian to make sure everything is okay. Telehealth solutions like Vetster with a free mobile app, make it easy to book a licensed veterinarian and get advice on your pet’s health issues from the comfort of your own home.

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