
No pet parent wants their furry friend to be in pain or feel uncomfortable for longer than necessary. However, it can be difficult to tell what’s normal pet behavior and what means a pet needs to go to the vet — after all, pets can’t tell their owners when they need to visit a vet. […]

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Many homeowners make a house a home, not just for themselves but for their furry friends as well. Millions of households all across the nation have dogs, cats, fish, and other animals — and for good reason. Pets bring personality and endless joy to households across the country, and many consider their furry friends important […]

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Dogs hit first on the list of most preferred pets. No one can doubt their preference due to their loving and caring nature, making them the best emotional support animal. There are a variety of emotional support dog breeds to choose from. Still, Golden retrievers are among the most popular family pet dog breeds across […]

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Obviously, you want to give your dog treats that they enjoy, but sometimes it can be a little tricky to figure out which treats they like best. In this guide, we’ll explain how to figure out which treats your dog prefers over others and how to use treats for training. We’ll also cover the pros […]

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Professional oaths are solemn and emotionally significant vows. They constitute a set of ethical norms and guiding concepts instilled in new veterinary graduates and are then put into practice daily. A pledge with such emotional intensity should represent the crucial relevance of an individual’s health, wellness, and work-life balance as fundamental premises for fulfilling the […]

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Heartworms are parasites that can infect a dog if they are bitten by an infected mosquito. The parasite then takes up residence in their heart and starts spreading exponentially.  The heartworm infection behaves like cancer where the diseased tissue multiplies and spreads throughout the dog’s body. Just like cancer, heartworm also spreads rapidly and damages […]

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Your dog is like your baby, a member of your family. It’s only natural that when you’re leaving your dog in the care of someone else you’d want to make sure that not only are they protected but that they get everything that they need. First things first, know your dog and figure out what your […]

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Creating a daily routine for your pup will make them more disciplined and teach them how to be a well-behaved member of the family. It’s essential that you give each part of the day its own purpose and include space for playtime, relaxation, and training sessions. From which dog supplies you’ll need to the behaviors […]

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About 68 million households in the U.S. own a pet. If you’re part of that number, you likely consider your furry friend to be a member of the family! They might even be your “fur baby.” Because your pet plays such a big role in your life, it’s important to keep them healthy. That’s why choosing […]

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When some people get a dog, they automatically find a dog trainer to make sure the dog is set up for success. Others plan on training their dog by themselves but come across an issue that needs professional help, such as anxiety or reactivity. Picking a dog trainer that works for you is very important […]

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It is essential to keep your home clean to avoid germs that could harm your health and cause your dog to develop allergies. However, it would be counterproductive if your cleaning supplies are not safe for use around dogs. Avoid the frustration of hunting for safe cleaning solutions with our easy-to-find list of pet friendly […]

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Let’s face it — dogs can be a handful. Whether they scratch at the carpet or make a mess when coming inside from the rain, dogs are a lot to handle sometimes. Add a brand new baby into the mix, and suddenly things get a whole lot more hectic. Of course, you can train your […]

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