We’re not biased, but we do know that there are some dog breeds that rank higher in the dog lover’s playbook than others. Every breed is different and seeing the natural beauty in each breed is something very special.
The proper ways of a Poodle, the elongated and almost out of place ears on a French Bulldog, the gorgeous coat on a Golden Retriever, the face on a Bulldog only a mother could love. They’re all so uniquely different!
From Bulldogs to Poodles, here’s a list of this year’s top 10 pure bred dog breeds according to the American Kennel Club. Check to see if your favorite breed made the list!
Fun loving, bright and energetic
Faithful, loving and a guardian
Proud, active, intelligent
Yorkshire Terriers
Active and affectionate
French Bulldogs
Lively, smart, versatile
Cheerful, friendly, eccentric
Relaxed, courageous, outgoing
Golden Retrievers
Smart, friendly, loyal
German Shepherd Dogs
Intelligent, confident, brave
Labrador Retriever
Friendly, active, outgoing

Most of my day is spent playing with dogs. When they nap, I’m here working on my blog. You’re welcome to reach out and connect with me.