How To Treat Urinary Tract Infection In Pregnant Cats

How To Treat Urinary Tract Infection In Pregnant Cats

Managing urinary tract infections in cats during pregnancy is a challenging task. First of all, motherhood should always come first. Your pet should be managed again and any underlying causes should be determined. A referral is highly recommended. Learn more about natural treatments for urinary tract infections in cats. Listed below are a few natural remedies for urinary tract infections in cats. In addition to a natural cure, you can also try a homemade remedy for a urinary tract infection in cats.

Motherhood First

A cat may display signs of pregnancy much as a woman does. Your cat may show cravings for particular foods and a growing belly. Her back may begin to sunken and she may become increasingly affectionate. Pregnant cats may also exhibit the typical signs of pregnancy including mood swings, frequent sickness, and an increased appetite. Read on to learn more about these signs of pregnancy in cats. But, remember: a pregnant cat doesn’t necessarily mean that she is expecting.

A pregnant cat’s belly will increase in size and the nipples will swell. This is normal. When a cat is pregnant, her nipples will leak milk. She may vomit and drink more water, which is typical for a cat in labor. A sick or restless cat may also neglect food and drink more often. While these symptoms may indicate that she’s about to give birth, they are not a sure sign of imminent labor.

A Fragile Moment

As a pregnant animal, you should pay special attention to your cat. It may not be acting like a normal pregnant cat. It might have had a rough birth, or be confused or disinterested in her new kittens. In addition, she may be nervous and hyperactive. She may find it difficult to relax or lie down for her kittens. If you’re worried that your cat is not ready for parenthood, don’t be shy. Motherhood comes first!

If your cat has a UTI while pregnant, it’s important to visit a vet for advice. During this time, your vet will be able to provide you with colostrums and milk to support the new kitten. If you have the funds available to pay for emergency vet care, you can substitute colostrums for milk if needed. And, don’t forget to let your cat nurse the kitten after giving birth.

UTI In Cats

If your cat is suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI), you may want to consult with a veterinarian. A UTI is a bacterial infection of the bladder and urethra, and it’s an emergency. Urine naturally contains minerals, which can form into small crystals or large stones. Urine with urinary stones can be bloody, and your cat may have pain or difficulty urinating.

A vet can prescribe pain killer and antibiotics based on the type of bacteria present. Bacteria are typically detected by culture in the urine. A urine sample should be cultured when your vet suspects a urinary tract infection. If your cat has a positive culture, you should consider using an antibiotic. If you don’t see a visible bacterial infection, there’s a good chance that your cat has a urinary tract infection.

Natural Treatments For Urinary Tract Infections In Cats

A variety of natural treatments for urinary tract infections in cats are available, that you can try.

  • Cranberry, for example, can reduce inflammation in the urinary tract, and juniper berries can kill fungi and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Glucosamine, an amino acid, can coat the bladder’s lining and reduce inflammation.
  • Amoxicillin is a common first-line antibiotic for urinary tract infections, although this is not recommended as a routine treatment for the condition. In addition to being ineffective against beta-lactamase-producing bacteria, it is also potentially nephrotoxic. However, regular usage is not recommended. Treatment is not necessary if there are no clinical signs or symptoms. If your cat continues to develop a urinary tract infection, a repeat dose is usually recommended.
  • Herbs and supplements can help alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrences. Certain herbs, including parsley leaf, and marshmallow root extract can also be used as a home remedy for UTIs in cats to stimulate the immune system and can minimize inflammation. They contain antiseptic and diuretic properties and can help stop bleeding and reduce the inflammation associated with UTIs. But make sure to consult a veterinarian.
  • Antibiotics are the most common treatment for UTIs in pregnant cats. These drugs are effective at curing uncomplicated UTIs, but there is still no definitive evidence. The Working Group advises 7 days of appropriate antimicrobial treatment.

Among natural treatments for urinary tract infections in pregnant cats are herbs and dietary supplements. While many supplements and herbs are effective, some are not. Taking your cat on a natural diet can also help alleviate the symptoms.


Monitoring your preggo cat is important. Regardless of which treatment method you choose, you must continue giving your cat the prescribed medication by your vet for the recommended length of time.

Fortunately, for most pregnant cats, this infection is not as difficult to treat as it may seem. Cats have an inherent resistance to bacterial UTIs, so the chances of developing a UTI are small. Prana Pets has a great natural alternative for treating feline UTI‘s, you can try out their most effective natural alternative products for your cat.

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