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How to Choose Between a Purebred and Mixed Breed Puppy

Purebred dogs are often considered the gold standard. They’re bred for a set of characteristics, and if you use a good breeding, you know what you’re getting. You also pay a premium for that service. Mixed breed dogs are truly a mixed bag, but they may enjoy hybrid vigor and are generally more affordable. So which option is right for you? Here are a few tips on how to choose between a purebred and mixed breed puppy.

Know What You Want from the Dog It Will Become

Purebred dogs are often born for a given skill set. They have the body type and instincts to do something. For example, golden retrievers may retrieve anything that falls into the swimming pool including your toddler. Sheep dogs will herd anything but especially sheep. Some training may still be required, but that involves teaching them commands and practicing to hone their existing abilities. On the other hand, you may not be able to train a born hunting dog not to chase anything that looks like prey.

In contrast, almost any dog can be a well-behaved companion for your family with a little training. This means that mixed breed puppies are fine if you want a dog for your kids to play with or to keep your mother company. Many mixed breed puppies could be trained to serve as watch dogs, too. In these cases, a cheaper mixed-breed dog is fine. But if you want a dog for a specific task like a hunting dog or show dog, get a purebred puppy.

Know the Risks that Come with Each Option

While not all mixed-breed dogs are healthy, they are not prone to the health problems that can come from the de facto inbreeding that comes with purebred dogs. That is why purebred dogs need to be carefully inspected by a vet before you buy them. Use this educational website when looking for a purebred puppy. You’ll want to find reputable breeders who only breed and sell healthy dogs. But learn what health problems a given breed may be prone to so that you can watch out for it. If you’re worried about the costs associated with frequent vet visits, you can look into a dog-specific pet insurance plan.

While purebred dogs are ten times more likely to suffer from conditions like hip dysplasia and kidney disease, mixed breed puppies are at greater risk of other things. They are more likely to suffer from patent ductus arteriosis and ruptured cruciate ligament. They are also more likely to be hit by cars, since they are less likely to have refined instincts.

Mixed breeds are also more likely to suffer from infectious diseases than purebred breeders. That’s because purebred breeders won’t allow infectious diseases to go untreated. On the other hand, the puppy mill owner doesn’t care.

Understand How the Dog Will Fit Your Lifestyle

Purebred dogs have better defined personalities and abilities, whereas mixed-breed dogs are literally a mix. However, you can make reasonable assumptions with any dog based on an assessment of the dog. Is the dog highly anxious? It may or may not be a good guard dog with training, but it probably shouldn’t be left alone all day. Is the dog calm and relaxed? It might be a good companion, but you’ll still need to find out if it is good with kids. Does the dog come from a large breed or have two large parents? Then you probably shouldn’t pick it if you live in an apartment. An active dog needs to be walked regularly, and it will be happier if regularly played with. If you just want to let it out to pee on the grassy patch in your backyard, you shouldn’t get a more active breed.

What Are The Pet Fashion Trends To Look Out For In 2021

Pets can turn heads with their companion spirit and dressing sense. Notwithstanding the pandemic, the pet industry in 2021 is thriving by the numbers. Several factors like diet, grooming, insurance and pet sitting are making animal obsession a serious thing.

Like food and edibles, pets have their distinct taste in outfits and accessories. Fashion isn’t just for humans; our furry friends are embracing street-style shoes and elegant attires. Whether you have a naughty puppy or a high-maintenance Golden Retriever, they need stylish and statement t-shirts, sweaters, collars, hats, and more. Here are some trending fashion picks to dress up your pet in.


Turtlenecks and woven knits aren’t just for humans; dog sweaters are notching up in stylish warmth and comfort. Made from acrylic, polyester, cotton, and other skin-friendly fibers, dog sweaters keep core temperatures down. While shopping for the best dog sweaters, pay attention to the size suitable for your pup or cat.   

Festive Costumes

Festive occasions like Halloween and Christmas stress the need for ingenious costume designs. Dress up your dog as a tuxedo gentleman or mermaid to add to the fun and frolic for these gala holidays. Diamond dog collars and quirky bow ties add swagger value and make your pet friends loud and proud. For the non-festive days, add a sunflower streak or sky-blue tinge to your pet’s costume.      


When buying pet costumes, go creative in choosing sequins, beads, sparkling stones for your pet attire. Choose logos of famous brands to make your pet show off its modern-day fashion aspiration. Go for customized collars and name tags for your pet safety. Follow in-season trends for your pet wear and weigh your pet’s comfort level before thinking of a bandana or a tiara.              


A neat pair of shoes on your furry friend’s toes say a lot about your pet’s style consciousness, and an active dog will need a sturdy pair of booties to slog all day long. On the other hand, an urban pup may be more interested in contemporary footgear-like plush slippers for elegance-flaunting. Whatever you choose, invest in a pair of dog socks for additional security.


Wish sweet dreams to your Dachshund with super cool dog pajamas. Though dogs have in-built fur, more comfort can never hurt. Find the right size when buying a dog pajama online. Choose pets’ night clothes with witty words or cut patterns to bring a smile to your face. If you have a conservative pet, explore a blend of style and comfort in night dresses.

Summing Up

Apart from tracking outfit colors and trends, choose skin-friendly organic material while dressing up your furry friend. Take your pet to a veterinarian regularly to prevent ticks, itching, or other skin problems. Whether you are a kitten lover or a dog admirer, explore the right balance of glamor and soberness.

A German Shepherd’s Guide to Healthy Living

German Shepherds are one of the most beautiful dogs on the planet. They are kind, loving, caring, brave, and protective. They are always down for a walk, or just as happy to spend a relaxing day on the couch.

In short, they are the perfect companion.

But they are also prone to a number of breed specific health issues.

The most common genetic issues that German Shepherds experience are Hip Dysplasia, Hemophilia (only in males), Elbow Dysplasia, and digestive problems. They can also be prone to disc degeneration, joint issues, and eye problems.

As sad as it may be, these issues can drastically reduce your dog’s time on this earth, while simultaneously making their final years less enjoyable.

We all know that a good diet and plenty of exercise will have enormous benefits, but there’s also another option that’s been gaining in popularity…

Dog Supplements?

Dog supplements are exactly what they sound like — supplements for your dog.

They often take the form of a multivitamin that contains a number of different vitamins and minerals. Because your dog’s body uses these to maintain health and function, they can have a positive impact on things like eye function, joint health, and digestive health, while also staving off disease and illness.

With this in mind, they are a great addition to your dog’s diet if you want to provide them with everything they need to maximize health.

The catch?

Over the last couple of years there has been a huge influx of dog supplements onto the market. Some of these are “general” in nature, while others are “breed specific” (i.e. designed for specific breeds of dogs).

All of which begs the question — is one better than the other?

The One-Size-Fits-All Solution

General dog supplements are simple in their approach.

They try to provide the most important vitamins and minerals for all dog breeds into a single option. With this in mind, they do cover most of your bases when it comes to things like cardiovascular health, joint health, and eye health.

As an added bonus, because they are easier to create, they are often a bit cheaper than breed specific supplements.

The downside here is that while they capture what most dogs need, their dosages are not tailored towards specific breeds. As a result, they could be lacking certain nutrients that are important to some dog breeds, but not others.

Although they are not a bad option, they may not be as effective for dog breeds that have common and unique issues.

Which is where breed-specific dog supplements enter the discussion.

Breed-Specific Dog Supplements

Breed specific supplements are exactly what they sound like — supplements tailored to provide everything a single breed of dog needs to optimize health and function.

Many would argue that these particular supplements are much more effective at improving the health of your dog because they provide the specific nutrients that your dog needs.

In the case of German Shepherd health supplements, they would be tailored towards preventing things like hip and elbow dysplasia, while also acting to improve joint and digestive health and function.

In fact, over the last couple of years we have seen a number of supplements for German Shepherds hit the market because they are one of those breeds that have somewhat unique issues.

The only negative to these types of supplements are they do come at a higher cost, because they are more complicated to make.

Ingredients to Watch Out For

If you are interested in pursuing a breed-specific supplement for your German Shepherd, then there are a few key ingredients that you want to look for.

First on the list are glucosamine and chondroitin.

Both of these compounds are renowned to improve joint health, prevent the development of arthritis, and reduce sensations of joint pain. This makes them a great way to improve any side effects of dysplasia, while also improving daily function.

These should be a staple in all specific German Shepherd joint supplements.

Second up, Omega-3 fatty acids are a must. These compounds have been shown to prevent inflammation and arthritis, while also improving cardiovascular and metabolic health.

And lastly we have Lutein.

Lutein is a compound with anti-inflammatory properties. More importantly, its supplementation has been shown to have some very positive effects on eye health — especially when it comes to improving and preventing age-related macular disease and vision impairment.

This is key in making sure your German Shepherd maintains its eyesight into its golden years.

Key Points

Supplements are a great way to improve your dog’s quality of life and maximize their health — however, not all supplements are made equal.

If you have a German Shepherd, finding a breed-specific dog supplement that meets your needs is going to be the best way to maintain their health and function.

Just make sure you do your research and pick a good one.

How To Enhance Your Long-Distance Relationship During COVID-19

Humans are social animals that require constant interaction with other beings to survive and live a happy life. One of the essential parts of your life is personal relationships and understanding. With the pandemic around the corner, many couples face difficulty in understanding each other. Also, the long-distance relationship is yet another hurdle in the path of a happy and satisfactory relationship. You can tackle the difficulties with adequate commitment, communication, and mutual understanding. Also, try to beat the distance with FaceTime talks or virtual movie dates.

Here are the top tips to make your long-distance relationship work during pandemic days.

  1. Go On Virtual Movie Dates 

Are you tired of endless chatting and wish to bring a change in your long-distance communication? Try the virtual movie dates with your partner and watch your favorite movies together. All you need to do this is a good internet connection from Windstream internet plans (or another similar provider) and a device to watch your movie on. While it may not be as fun as watching movies in the theatre, it still evokes a sense of understanding within you both. Also, look out for a platform like Netflix Party that allows you to watch movies in synchronization. You can comment on the funny scenes and talk about your favorite dialog from the flick.

With the pandemic around the corner, you must do your bit to add a little romantic touch to your relationship. Along with this, go for alternative turns when it comes to choosing the movie that you’re going to watch. Such little gestures mean a lot to your partner and enhance your bond in the long run.

  1. Send Unexpected Gifts 

Surprises are the best way to transform the mood of someone you can’t meet right away. If you’re trying to maintain a healthy long-distance relationship, there’s no better way than sending cute gifts. You don’t need to look out for some luxurious or expensive gifts. Instead, try to find the little meaningful gifts that may bring a smile to your partner’s face. When it comes to getting an ideal gift, make a list of the things your partner loves. It could be anything, from a simple box of dark chocolate to fresh-baked cashew cookies. Also, you can take care of your partner’s health with white maeng da  that control pain. 

Don’t reveal the news to your partner and let the act be a surprise. It helps in uplifting your partner’s mood and might divert their mind from the difficult times. Remember that the distance isn’t big enough to kill your happy and committed relationship while working to improve it.

  1. Ditch Texting For A While 

Texting your partner all day long can be tiring for both of you and kill the spark in your relationship. Instead of chatting on WhatsApp, you can switch to sending voice recordings. Also, it is an easier way to rant about your day and gives your thumb some rest. Listening to your partner’s voice is likely to make you feel much closer and happier than usual. It allows you to express what you feel intimately and romantically. Hence, the next you wish to talk, record a memo rather than hitting the keyboard. 

You can sing your partner’s favorite song and send it to them after some heated arguments. Such little acts contribute to a long-term positive impact on your relationship. Not to forget, it evokes a sense of appreciation in your partner’s mind and resolves the differences sooner. 

  1. Go Old-School & Send Letters 

Most people are too involved in the modern ways of living and don’t seem to care about old-school habits. If you’re stuck in the pandemic and can’t meet your partner, you must try the vintage ways of communication. All you need to do is send some handwritten romantic letters to your partner. Not only will it make you both feel more connected, but it also makes you crave for the next letter. Such an act is quite intimate, meaningful, and healthy for your long-distance relationship. Your partner is the constant emotional as well as mental support you have during these difficult times. Hence, you must take out the time to nurture your bond and create some precious memories to cherish for a lifetime. 

During the difficult times, you must remember how far you’ve come to keep going until you’re physically together. Send letters, talk more, and be there for each other as much as possible.

  1. Plan Your Next Trip

Although you don’t head out on an adventurous journey with your partner during the pandemic. But, you can always plan your next getaway and make the necessary reservations. Planning for your next trip together is likely to make you happier. Also, it reminds you that the distance is temporary and your bond is permanent. From the suitable destination to the hotels and sightseeing, you must plan it all. Not only will it save your time in the future, but it also helps in tackling the present scenario. Make sure to do your bit and turn your next meet-up into a memorable one.

Final Verdict

Long-distance relationships can be a big challenge to conquer, especially during the COVID times. You need to put in extra time and effort to make your relationship survive through the difficult days. That’s where the role of FaceTime talks and virtual movie dates creep in. You can plan quick virtual meals together or watch your favorite flick to lighten up the mood. Along with this, surprise your partner with cute little tokens of love like baked cookies or their favorite chocolates. Such cute gestures are all you need to do for a long-lasting and happy relationship.

5 Reasons Traveling With Your Dog Gives You Pleasure

Dogs are an anytime companion—in your happy and sad hours, in daily life and celebrations. But they are frisky and love to go out, whether it is a few miles or yards. The pandemic may have put travel restrictions on you and your four-legged animal, but leisure travelers can take their dogs along for road trips and airline travel as per quarantine guidelines.

Whether you have one or two, dogs are special travel buddies who can get you significant activity and photographic memories in your country and cross-country voyage. Here are five reasons for you to consider a travel break with your furry friend.

1.  Improves Social Support And Bonding

Friendly, social, and responsive, dogs love to mix around with human beings and pets. They are experts in making people express their fondness for them, even if they are strangers. Dogs drive out loneliness, anxiety, depression, negativity with their wagging tail and innocent looks. Surveys show that pets help people make social connections and improve health. Are you worried about how to travel with your dog with osteoarthritis? You may consider budget buds Fido’s pain after veterinary consultation.

2.  Enhances Your Selfie Moments

Pictures of your Husky or Bulldog in one frame with you are not everyday material but true nostalgia. Take your digital camera and your adventurous dog along for the road trip. You will come back with lots of memories of you and your fur baby.

3.  Boosts Your Physical Activity

With a dog for company, there will never be a dull moment. Dogs’ playful aptitude makes them eager and comfortable with roads, hills, walking tracks, and beyond. Just take your dog’s water and nibbles along, and it will help you discover the lost lanes and new pathways.

4.  Personal Assistant And Lovable.

Dogs may beat you in waking up to a morning alarm and motivate you further to put on your fitness shoes for weight management. Allow your pup to watch over you and your activities, and alert you for your protection. If you can’t find an item of daily need, your gestures may make your intelligent pet fetch it for you from nowhere. Dogs are brain sharp and can sense your everyday likes and dislikes.

5.  Gives You Genuine Company

When you have your pet dog as your co-traveler, you have reasons to feel happy. Your Fido will nudge you for equal bed space and may prefer a bone at pet-friendly patios. Dogs have sharp sniffing skills and may pursue you to change the route or leave the spot.

Final Thoughts

With a dog in tow, you will never be alone. They are the epitome of unconditional love, and their sense of security and attachment is matchless. Dogs are our best friends in need, so pack your bags with your furry friend to create unforgettable memories.

Helping Your Rescue Dog with Separation Anxiety

It is very unfortunate when dogs become abandoned from a previous home. Reasons
for abandonment can be anywhere from living arrangements that are conducive for a
dog, financial issues, or a job change.

Whatever the case, shelters can get overrun with dogs who are looking for a second
chance for a forever home. If you have rescued a dog, there is the possibility they might
experience separation anxiety because of previous abandonment.

If your dog has minor or severe anxiety, there are ways to help them overcome the
stressful time they are going through. For example, you could check out the CBD dog treats on Serenity Store website and similar pages online, as CBD products are a well-known remedy for anxiety. Helping a dog become relaxed in their new environment will take lots of patience, love, and understanding from the new parent or foster guardian.

Schedule keeping helps dogs to thrive so they can learn the new rules easier. Establish
a routine that works for you and your dog. When you first bring home your rescue, it is
recommended to take time off from work so you can build a new-found relationship.
Your constant presents during the first few weeks will certainly help them settle in more quickly.

The first few weeks after bringing your pet home could be the most difficult. Be prepared
for physical problems caused by stress. Bonding with your new dog doesn’t happen
overnight and it will take time to achieve.

For a rescue dealing with minor separation anxiety; do not make a big deal when you
are arriving home or departing. Even though it’s hard, and they are excited to see you,
ignore them for the first few minutes. Then pet them calmly as a reward.
Remember when you were younger and scared of something, you grabbed a stuffed

animal or a soft blanket to cuddle with that made you feel better? If you are leaving for
hours at a time, give your dog a piece of clothing you have worn recently, think of it as
acting like a security blanket for them.

A more severe case of separation anxiety can be harder to fix.

Teach them the basic sit, stay, and lay down commands. Be sure to use positive
reinforcement while training. After they have learned those commands, step up their
training a bit. Bring them to a sit, or lay down position, give the stay command, then
proceed to a different room. This type of training technique will help your dog learn it is
okay to remain calm in one place.

While you are training your dog, create a word or an action of a sort to use whenever
you are leaving the premises. The word or action lets them know you will be back later.
Research shows that music or background noise helps calm a dog while you are away.
The noise helps to distract them from the outside world such as people entering the
building if you live in an apartment complex, nearby construction sounds, and especially
the mailman arriving can cause distress to your dog.

So, what noises should you play in your home to help lower their heart rates while you
are away? Classical music has a soothing effect on dogs. After a few days, switch up
the music to a good soft rock station, and reggae is also a great genre to help reduce
Helping your rescue become relaxed in their new environment will take time. Some
dogs are easier than others when becoming accustomed to a new home. Remember to
start slow, and try not to over-stimulate them. Dogs can pick up on your mood, if you

remain calm and in control, they will sense that calmness.
If your rescue was used to being by themselves for a large amount of time, or even
living on the streets, look out for food aggression. Warning signs include growling and
showing teeth. A higher aggression dog will lunge or snap when approached.

Give your new dog their personal space when they seem too stressed out. If you have
children, make sure to have them respect the dog’s space as well. A cornered dog
could lash out as a defense mechanism.

Be patient if your rescue is having problems regarding potty training issues. Take them
outside in the morning and every two hours. Do not punish your dog if you catch them in
the middle of the act. Interrupt them by making a startling noise, but do not scare them.
Take them directly outside to their designated area and praise them with a treat as
positive reinforcement. Remember that it will take them a while to become accustomed
to new rules.

Watch out for escape attempts. Take special precautions when opening your door so
the dog is not able to squeeze through and escape. If you have a backyard fence, make
sure the barrier is high enough so the dog cannot jump over. Also, check for loose
boards that they’d be able to get through. Be sure to not leave them unattended in the

Give your dog toys to occupy themselves during the day so they are not bored. Take
long walks and play with them to burn off pent-up energy. Attend an obedience school,
or higher a personal trainer to help you build skills and form a bond with your new best

If you decide to use an over-the-counter calming aid, remember to consult your
veterinarian first. Your dog may be allergic to something you didn’t know about, which
could cause their stress level to rise.

Dogs of any breed can develop anxiety. However, not all rescues have separation
anxiety. According to American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
evidence shows there is no conclusive reasoning why dogs develop it. Show your dog
love through this difficult time in their lives, and be a confident pack leader for them.

Watch your dog’s body language. Relaxed ears, a wagging tail, and wet kisses display
signs that your rescue is now comfortable in their new home. Building a good friendship
takes time and patients, so above all, enjoy your new best friend, smile often, laugh a
lot, and create good memories together.

Dog Collars Vs. Dog Harnesses – Which is Better for Training?

Is there anything better than exploring the great outdoors with your very best and furriest friend? Every dog owner and their fluffy companion look forward to their time together each and every day. Although this might be one of the best loved elements of your time together, it doesn’t necessarily mean that each walk is going to be as smooth sailing as you’d wish that it would be. Your perfect solution to this? Investing in a quality dog harness. You might be more familiar with the slightly more traditional choice of a dog collar, however, upgrading your selection of adorable accessories really could transform your training time as well as your walks with your dog for the better now and way into the future. Here is why you should consider making the switch for a new and improved dog harness the next time you hit the dog park or pound the neighbourhood pavements with your pup by your side…

Image Credit: Stylish Hound

Keeping your dog in-check

If you’re looking to teach your dog how to behave and make appropriate adjustments to their behaviour while you’re out and about, then a dog harness is your best first step on your journey towards creating the perfect fluffy little student. A Y-shaped chest plate on a harness creates a comfortable yet secure stance that makes sure that you have control of your dog, teaching them to stay stable, calm and close to their human at all times. This reinforced nature of smooth sailing walks will set in, making for chilled out adventures for the both of you.

Minimise pulling

The minimised pulling is one of the most significant benefits of making the switch from collars to dog harnesses for your walks. The better the control, the more likely your dog will stop pulling. The secure fit across their body prohibits tugging or charging onward whenever they feel. Less pulling means that you can really treasure and enjoy the time that you have outside with your best friend. The best dog accessories maximise your quality time and create special, positive moments that you will love to look back on for years to come.

Secure the safety factor

Getting a safer walk in goes both ways! Your dog is going to experience a comfortable distribution of weight across their entire chest and back instead of a focused dose of tension right at their throats. The lack of tension is far safer for your dog’s neck should they try to pull or zip forward ahead of you in a cheeky but predictable fashion! This is going to keep your dog nice and secure no matter what happens while you are out and about. You’ll also find that the greater level of control that you experience protects your arm, back and neck from nasty strains or pulls when your dog charges ahead of you. A double dose of safety? Yes please! You can also use an escape proof harness for an extra layer of security

Go handsfree

The right dog harness can clip onto your belt or waist bag and give you handsfree flexibility for enjoying time with your dog, fully! Throw the ball, pet your dog or reach for treats with both hands. This is also fantastic if you want to hold a few training sessions whilst you’re out at the park.

Find freedom whilst saying goodbye to discomfort

The freedom, security and comfort that both of you will experience is unmatched! Look for padded handles, soft, silky and weather resistant materials as well as a secure fit to create optimum levels of comfort for you and your dog.

How to find the right dog harness…

Now that you’re schooled on some of the many benefits of investing in a dog harness, it’s time to start sniffing around for the right one! Here are the things that you need to watch out for whilst you’re looking for your dog’s perfect harness fit…

Materials: Hunt for silky smooth and ever so soft neoprene for a cosy and comfortable fit for your dog. You’re also going to want to watch out for a secure buckle, weather resistant hardware and safe joinery to make sure that your harness sticks with you and your dog through thick and thin.

Fit: Fit is essential for making the right choice for your dog, get it wrong and risk hurting them or causing more difficulty when you’re out on your walk so listen up! Measure your dog’s chest circumference to ensure that you are going to make the right and safest choice for your fluffy friend.

Style: Lastly, style. Choosing the right accessories rests on selecting your harness according to your pup’s playful personality! If they’re bold and bright go for something loud, perhaps they’re cute and cheeky? Look for energetic patterns. Maybe they’re more chill? Choose zen, calming colours like blue and green. Or maybe your pup is all business? The graphic geometric prints and plainer colour choices will work best for them!

Dog collars are useful, too!

Don’t forget that dog collars have their place in your dog accessory collection! Aside from adding some absolutely adorable personality to your dog’s looking, collars are a bit of a must for ensuring that your dog is nice and safe at all hours of the day. Your dog’s collar tag will disclose their name and your contact information which will make sure that you are always notified if the unthinkable happens and they wind up in the big wide world without you there. Your harness is best for walks, but it can be worn in combination with your dog’s collar and leash for a complete cute look that will have your dog wagging with excitement every single day!

9 Tips To Make Your Dog Happy

Dogs are loving animals that require their main needs to be met to be healthy and happy. A home, a good place to sleep, a balanced diet according to their requirements and a lot of love from their human companions are some of them.

When thinking about giving your dog the best, you must ask yourself how to make your dog happy. It is not about pampering it to the extreme and allowing it to behave in any way, but about meeting the elementary requirements that will make it a balanced, healthy and happy dog.

In this article, we give you our tips for making a dog happy. Keep reading!

The truth is that dogs do not need much to be happy, since they settle for very little. Thus, giving them all our love, giving them the attention they need, a comfortable place to sleep, quality food and ensuring that they exercise and go outside to relieve themselves, dogs are the happiest animals in the world! And not only that, they will return all that multiplied love to us and they will adore us forever since we are facing enormously grateful animals.

Take note of our tips to know how to make your dog adore you.

1. Clean dog, happy dog

Does your dog get used to rolling around in the dirt right after his bath? Despite this, they love to feel clean, so hygiene is a priority when it comes to keeping a dog happy. Brushing him regularly will help his coat look nice and remove knots, as well as prevent disease and the invasion of external parasites.

Cleaning the ears is also important, it keeps mites and infections at bay. Of course, we recommend that a professional perform this hygiene routine. Also, don’t forget about oral health, which is important to protect your dog’s teeth. In addition to this, cutting your nails to keep them in the ideal size will prevent you from scratching yourself or your paws from getting stuck in different materials. Similarly, the bathroom is essential to keep it clean and fresh.

Grooming is a perfect opportunity to bond with your dog, do not miss the opportunity to play together, it will make him very happy! To do this, remember to make positive the time of bathing, brushing, etc., so that it is a pleasant experience for both of you.

2. Good nutrition, the key to making your dog happy

Some dogs are capable of eating almost anything, but this does not mean that it is good for their health. In the long run, a disorderly diet will only bring you illness. Because of this, quality food is an essential element in making an adult, puppy, or senior dog happy.

You must remember that the food, whether dry, wet or homemade, must be adapted to its size, age, race and physical activity, in addition to taking into account the possible conditions that it may suffer, if any. In the same way, do not forget to offer a container of fresh water at all times to stay hydrated. It is important to check How much you should feed your dog

3. Games and fun

What does a dog need to be happy? Many games! Maintaining a routine of games, if possible daily, will make your dog burn all the accumulated energy, especially if he spends many hours indoors, and remains correctly stimulated. Also, he will spend a lot of time with you!

When it comes to games, you can let your imagination run wild and buy various toys, taking into account the size (so that they are not ingested) and the material (to avoid being hurt). Also, keep in mind that intelligence games are highly recommended to keep their mind stimulated since the objective of playing is not only to make the animal burn energy.

4. Exercise, essential to have a happy dog

In addition to games, you must offer your dog physical activity outside the home, this is an important element to make him happy! Walks, visits to parks where he can smell new things and face challenges that stimulate his intelligence are a way to give him fun and enrich his life.

Dogs are sociable and curious animals by nature. They are also active, so they need to run, interact with other dogs and discover new environments. In this sense, good socialization is essential for them to learn to communicate properly with their peers, other animals and people.

When you go out with your dog, remember to wear your leash and a necklace with your name and contact information. Similarly, check that the area is safe and do not allow your dog to wander away, otherwise, it could get lost.

5. Love, attention and communication, the basis of happiness

Cuddling and caressing are very important displays of affection, both for humans and animals, and dogs are no exception. Showing affection to your dog will improve your relationship with him, it will strengthen the bonds.

Showing affection does not only imply pampering and games but also paying attention to their needs, attending to their ailments and doing everything possible to understand them.

6. Veterinary care

It is very important to ensure the health of your dog by offering good preventive medicine, and what better way to do this than to schedule frequent visits to the vet. Ideally, the professional should carry out a general check-up of the animal to find or avoid any condition or anomaly, in addition to applying the necessary vaccines and deworming it when it deems appropriate. Also, these visits can help you determine the best hygiene and care practices for him.

7. Positive education

Education is essential for a harmonious coexistence at home. A spoiled dog is used to doing everything he wants, so will never be happy because he will constantly collide with the routine of the home and tensions will be created around him.

Do not worry! Whether adult or puppy, your dog is capable of learning, you just need patience, time and love.

Canine education should include not only tricks for both of you to have fun but also the basic rules that the dog should follow at home, such as what parts of the house are allowed and what is not. Also, this education should focus on establishing meal times, walks, games, places to rest and feed, adaptation to home routines, among other aspects.

Regardless of the above, to make your dog happy and get him to adore you, it is essential to follow techniques based on positive reinforcement. Training based on punishment only increases the animal’s discomfort, develops stress, anxiety, fear and frustration, which can lead to an aggressive attitude. Through positive reinforcement, the animal can understand much better what is expected of it, stay motivated and have the desire to continue learning. Rewards, strokes, and words of encouragement are some of the best techniques.

The tips mentioned above apply to all canines regardless of age, but some additional elements can help you make an old dog happy.

After adulthood, some games or activities may no longer be to your dog’s liking, or they may want to do them for less time. It is important to respect what your dog feels and allow him to lie down or sleep instead of playing if he wishes.

8. Longer walks are better walks

Some adult and elderly dogs may need longer walks, as they must keep fit and take care of their physical and mental health. This, obviously, will depend on the conditions your dog is in and the temperature of the season you are in.

Try taking several laps in the park or at the beach, they are good times to play with your dog and exercise him while he enjoys the walk.

9. Understand what your dog is saying

Dogs communicate with humans in various ways, however, it is often difficult to understand what they mean. For this, you must know how to decipher the different ways of moving its tail, its ears and even its legs. In this way, you and your dog will achieve better communication and you will be able to make him very happy.

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Bond With Your Dog

Having a dog in your life can be a very rewarding experience. When you have a pet, it is proven that you experience improved mental health as a result. However, there is a difference between just owning a pet and experiencing them as a true friend. Here are five ways that you can grow closer to your canine companion.

Enjoy Playtime Together

If your dog could verbalize what the favorite part of their day is, they would likely tell you that it is the time when they get to enjoy playtime with you. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise to those of us who have children, should it? Research has shown that parents who spend time playing with their kids develop a closer bond with them. Your canine likely feels the same.

Spending time each day playing with your dog helps to keep them mentally healthy, and protects them from boredom. You also promote their physical well-being as they are getting exercise during playtime.

Whether you go out for a simple walk or play at your nearby dog park, playing with your dog will help you grow closer to them. By providing them with an opportunity to have fun, you earn more of their trust and loyalty.

Share Quiet Time Together

Spending quiet time with your dog is just as important as having playtime with them. Quiet moments are extremely helpful in reducing their stress. A good time to spend some quality quiet moments with your dog may be late in the evening, before bed, for example. Instead of making them share your attention with the television or computer, give them your undivided attention.

You can tell them about your day, hug them, brush them, or just quietly be with them. Try to spend time with them in an area of the house where you won’t be disturbed. Even just spending 10 or 15 minutes quietly enjoying each other’s presence will make the both of you feel more relaxed and your dog will feel particularly special.

Practice Basic Training

When you take the time out of your day to train your dog some basic commands, your dog is sure to appreciate the time and instruction you are showing them. You can take this time to teach your dog some new tricks or just reinforce those that they already know. Giving your dog this attention helps to strengthen the bond between you. Your dog is sure to especially enjoy the treats and belly rubs you give out as a reward for a job well done.

Learn Your Dog’s Body Language

Dogs use their posture, facial expressions and other body languages to communicate with you. For example, you might assume that when your dog wags their tail, they are happy. However, this form of body language is commonly misinterpreted.

According to the AKC, tail wagging simply means that the dog is emotionally aroused. It is possible that the dog is excited, but it could also mean that they are frustrated as well. When a dog is twitching its tail quickly, this means they are on high alert.

Do you know your dog well enough to know what all of its body postures and facial expressions are telling you? If not, you should spend more quality time with your pup and become accustomed to its non-verbal cues so that you can gain a deeper understanding of your furry friend.

Travel Together

Much like it is when people take a trip together, traveling with your pup can really bring the two of you closer. Whether your travels include hiking, camping or just exploring around a new location, your dog will be in a new territory and looking to you for direction. The one-on-one attention that you give to him during this time is something that they are not going to soon forget.

Final Thought

Bonding with your dog is essentially about spending more time with them. Help to take care of their body and mind and they will reward you with their unconditional love.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting And When Should I Be Worried?

If you’re a pet owner, you’ve probably had to deal with dog vomit at some point. Dogs throw up for a number of reasons. While some are harmless, others can be detrimental. Here is a guide on why dogs vomit, when you should be worried, and how you can treat it.

Why Dogs Vomit and What to Watch For

Dogs throw up for different reasons. It could be because they ate something they shouldn’t have or something more serious such as head trauma, exposure to toxins, or even pancreatic cancer or gastrointestinal obstruction.

Because dogs tend to eat everything, vomiting is a vital function for them. It is a way to correct the body when it makes a potential mistake. In addition to eating something they shouldn’t have, dogs can vomit due to motion sickness or bilious vomiting syndrome.

On a more serious level, vomiting can be a sign of gastroenteritis (inflammation of the intestinal tract and stomach), parasites, inflammatory bowel disease, and certain types of cancer. It is also caused by toxin exposure, liver or kidney disease, bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. Furthermore, vomiting can be a sign of Addison’s or pancreatic disease, head trauma, ulcers, drug side effects, and food allergies.

It is important to distinguish between vomiting and regurgitation. Regurgitation happens passively and occurs when undigested food comes up without the use of the abdomen. Vomiting, on the other hand, is an active process and involves contractions of the abdomen (also known as heaving). It is usually preceded by nausea signs such as swallowing excessively, drooling, and licking their lips. Dogs may eat grass to protect their esophagus. The grass acts a shield for sharp objects such as bone shards.

Differentiating between the two will allow you to get the proper treatment.

When You Should Be Worried and Treatment Options

Sometimes a vomiting dog needs immediate treatment. If your dog is frequently or projectile vomiting, it can be a sign of an obstructed gastrointestinal tract. Severe diarrhea coupled with severe vomiting can cause dehydration and should be treated immediately. Decreased urination is also a sign of dehydration.

Dogs suffering from abdominal pain or enlargement is often a sign of serious vomiting. If your dog is repeatedly attempting to vomit but nothing is coming out, if can be a symptom of gastric dilatation and volvulus (also known as bloat).

Lastly, if the vomit has blood in it, it could be gastrointestinal bleeding. If it is bright green, it could be a sign of rodenticides (rat and mice poison). Rodenticides are extremely poisonous to dogs and could kill them.

If your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms while vomiting, take them to the vet immediately. But, if your dog only threw up once or twice and appears to be okay, there are some at home treatments you can provide.

First, take all food and water away for six to eight hours. If your dog doesn’t vomit during then, give them small amounts of water and gradually increase the amount until your dog can hold it down. After 12 hours of no vomiting, you can offer your pup a small meal of boiled, skinless, boneless white meat chicken and white rice. If there is still no vomiting, start to increase the size and decrease the frequency of their meals over the next couple days. Finally, you can begin mixing in their regular food.

No one likes to see their furry friend in pain. If your dog is showing any signs of severe vomiting, contact your veterinarian immediately. Otherwise, try some at-home remedies for less severe vomiting. Your pup will be on their way to feeling better in no time!

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