You’ve been paying your pet insurance premium monthly for as long as you can remember. You feel better knowing your pet is covered in case of an emergency or illness but when that time comes, the claim you submitted to your pet insurance provider gets rejected. They say that particular injury or illness isn’t covered by your policy.
Like humans, pets can benefit from an insurance policy. Health care coverage for your pet is great to have in the event you need it, but what happens in the scenario above? Not only did you pay a substantial amount of money in premiums, now you have to pay for their treatment out of pocket.
Cancer is unfortunately quite common these days, especially for certain dog breeds. Treatment, which often includes chemotherapy and/or surgery as well as medications, can result in a big bill. Therefore, an insurance plan with cancer coverage is very important.
This disease isn’t just limited to senior dogs. If you have a breed that is predisposed to this disease, consider a plan that provides as much coverage as possible. Also, make sure the reimbursement limits are completely clear. Some older pets and those with pre-existing conditions aren’t always eligible for full coverage.
Chronic Diseases
Frequently seen in middle-aged and senior pets, chronic diseases are considered incurable and include heart disease, chronic liver or kidney disease, diabetes, and more. Plans that cover these diseases with no exclusions is the best option. Many dogs that live long lives develop a chronic disease so a health care plan that covers them is ideal. Be sure to be aware of any reimbursement limits for certain diseases, though.
Coverage for Chronic Diseases
In addition to a plan that covers chronic diseases, you’ll want to find a plan that covers the ongoing testing and treatment of these diseases. Certain insurance policies only cover tests and treatments for the year the condition was diagnosed. This means you’re liable for the costs after that year.
So, in addition to paying your monthly premium, you would also be paying for ongoing treatment expenses. Make sure you find a plan that will not only cover the initial costs of a chronic disease, but the ongoing treatment as well.
Breed and Species-Specific Diseases
Certain breeds tend to suffer from particular medical conditions. Golden Retrievers, for example, have a greater chance of developing cancer, whereas smaller breeds suffer from floating kneecaps (also known as patellar luxation).
Some conditions and diseases are also species-specific. For example, cats are more prone to developing chronic kidney disease and hyperthyroidism, whereas dogs tend to suffer from arthritis. Make sure you find a pet insurance policy that covers both breed-specific and species-specific diseases.
Hereditary and Congenital Diseases
Pets that suffer from congenital and hereditary diseases – those that are seen at birth and also develop as they age – should also be covered in your pet insurance policy. These diseases include hip dysplasia, entropion (upper eyelid disorder), and patellar luxation, among others.
Some plans consider congenital diseases “pre-existing” and will only reimburse you for hereditary diseases. Make sure you find a plan that will cover both. Veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker, says the more confusing the policy language is, the less likely you are to be reimbursed. To clear things up, try coming up with some “what if” scenarios and call prospective insurance providers.
Also, always be sure to note the maximum payouts and any reimbursement limitations for certain diseases.
Most of my day is spent playing with dogs. When they nap, I’m here working on my blog. You’re welcome to reach out and connect with me.